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The "bad" food - Cuando comer no es solo comer

As a personal trainer and a crossfit coach, I have a hard time finding a balance from what I’ve been taught, what I am supposed to say and what I believe. I believe that mental health is more important, and that the fitness and health industry put too much emphasis on weight loss and being thin as the ideal of wellness.  So no, I will no demonize people for eating food, because I rather them to be overweight than to have an eating disorder.  Yes, I will demonize capitalism and industries and governments that care more about the money than the quality of life of folks. Yes, I know there is foods that do not have any nutrients whatsoever, and that makes your body, your gut and your brain feel like shite. No, guilt is still not the way to go . Providing free, accurate and updated education to folks of all incomes, to parents, in schools. Providing free help and therapy for folks with ED. Educating teachers, parents and kids/ teenagers about body image issues and ED’s. That is

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